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Timeline of Utah Evangelical History

  • 1824-1825 – James Bridger explores region
  • 1843 – John C. Fremont explores region
  • 1847 – Group of Mormon pioneers led by Brigham Young arrive in the Salt Lake Valley
  • 1848 – Region is ceded to the United States
  • 1850 – Territory of Utah was created by Congress
  • April 9, 1852 – Brigham Young teaches famous Adam-God sermon
  • September 7, 1857 – Mountain Meadows Massacre
  • 1864 – Henry Kendall passes through Utah; invited by Brigham Young to speak in LDS Tabernacle
  • 1865 – “Norman McLeod, a Congregational minister and Chaplain in General Connor’s Army at Fort Douglas. He came in 1865 and opened services in Old Independence Hall, in Salt Lake City.” (more info)
  • 1864 – “Henry Kendall, D.D., of the Presbyterian Church, spent a few days in Salt Lake City, investigating conditions with a view to opening mission work.”
  • May 10, 1869 – Union Pacific Railroad completed to Ogden
  • 1869 – “Sheldon Jackson organized a Presbyterian church in Corinne”
  • October 1871 – “The Presbyterian work was opened in Salt Lake City by Rev. Josiah Welch”
  • 1875 – Wasatch Academy founded as a Presbyterian mission school in Mt. Pleasant
  • 1875 – “Brigham Young visited Mount Pleasant where he denounced McMillan as ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a serpent that charms only to devour’ and warned the townspeople to have nothing to do with him and to take their children out of McMillan’s school.”
  • 1877 – “The Presbytery of Utah… overtured the General Assembly to authorize the Board of Home Missions to commission and pay lady teachers for this work.”
  • August 29, 1877 – Brigham Young dies
  • September 1879 – George W. Martin comes to Manti
  • Circa 1880 – George Q. Cannon visits Toquerville and preaches against the Presbyterian school
  • May 1881 – Frances R. Burke arrives in Salt Lake City, then travels to Toquerville
  • 1884 – M. T. Lamb gives lectures; these are later published as The Golden Bible
  • 1887 – “Edmunds–Tucker Act.” Aims at curbing the practice of polygamy. Dissolves the LDS Church as legal entity.
  • 1890 – Wilford Woodruff issues Manifesto “suspending” polygamy
  • 1890 – John D. Nutting moves to Salt Lake City
  • January 4, 1896 – Utah becomes a state
  • 1897 – “Ten Reasons Why Christians Can Not Fellowship the Mormon Church” (source)
    • “Done by order of the Presbytery of Utah, April 8, 1897. Endorsed by the Congregational Association of Utah, October 14, 1897. Endorsed by the Baptist Association of Utah, September 7, 1898.”
  • 1899 – D. L. Moody preaches sermon at the Mormon Tabernacle (more info)
  • 1899 – “The League for Social Service is publishing a series of Anti-Mormon leaflets which will enlighten the public mind as to the evils of this system of religion.”
    • “The Rev. Josiah Strong, the President of the League, writes on the Political Aspects of Mormonism; the Rev. R. G. McNiece, D.D. treats of the Present Aspects of Mormonism, while the Articles of Faith of the “Latter Day Saints” with Mormon Explanations are compiled by the Rev. J. D. Mutling and the Rev. D. J. McMillan, D.D. There is also an Historical Sketch of Mormonism, by Dr. D. J. McMillan; Methods of Mormon Missionaries, by the Rev. William R. Campbell, and Ten Reasons Why Christians Cannot Fellowship the Mormon Church, issued by the Presbytery of Utah and endorsed by the Congregational and Baptist Associations of Utah.” (source)
  • 1900 – John D. Nutting founds the Utah Gospel Mission
  • November 18, 1918 – On “Armistice Day… a group of Toquerville citizens came to Frances’s [R.. Burke’s] door and asked if they could borrow her bell to herald the end of the war.”
  • 1953 – John L. Smith founded Utah Missions (more info)
  • 1964 – Jerald and Sandra Tanner published their first major work, Mormonism: Shadow or Reality?
  • 1965 – The Tanners found Utah Lighthouse Ministry (originally called Modern Microfilm Company)
  • 1965 – The Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin is published
  • 1974 – Westminster College ends denominational relationship with the Presbyterian Church
  • 1979 – Bill McKeever founds Mormonism Research Ministry
  • 1984 – “The God Makers” by Ed Decker is published
  • 1980s – God’s Word, Final, Infallible and Forever by Floyd C. McElveen is distributed
  • Circa 1982 – Jim Robertson founds Concerned Christians
  • Late 1980s – Manti Pageant Evangelism (late 1980s-2019)
  • circa 1984 – Salt Lake Theological Seminary founded (more info)
  • Circa 1989 – Mormon Claims Answered, by Marvin Cowan is published
  • 1997 – Is the Mormon My Brother?, by James White is published
  • 1998 – Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) holds its annual meeting in Salt Lake City
  • 2002 – Outreach during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City
  • Circa 2002 – Utah Partnerships for Christ (UPFC) founded
  • 2002 – Main Street Coffee House begins with Clint Roberts (more info). Closes in 2004.
  • November 14, 2004 – Ravi Zacharias (later disgraced) speaks at the Salt Lake Tabernacle. His second appearance was on January 18, 2014.
  • Circa 2005 – “The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon” Documentary is released by Living Hope Ministries
  • Circa 2005 – The Solid Rock Café in Ephraim is founded
  • March 25, 2007 – Jesus Christ / Joseph Smith DVD is distributed
  • 2011 – Transitions: The Mormon Migration from Religion to Relationships released (source)
  • Circa October 21, 2013 – Baptist delivers message at BYU. “I do not believe that we are going to heaven together, but I do believe we may go to jail together.” (source)
  • Early 2020’s – Salt Lake School of Theology founded (more info)
  • Circa late 2020 – “The Chosen” uses the Goshen set for filming. This set is owned by The LDS Church.

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