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Love Jesus but not Joseph? support group in Utah

Listen to our 9/7/2015 Viewpoint on Mormonism podcast on this topic.

Hi there!

Are you a questioning Latter-day Saint or former Latter-day Saint who feels alone? Do you feel like nobody else has ever gone through what has happened/is happening to you?

One thing we have discovered in talking to those struggling with their Mormonism is the similarity in the stories. Unfortunately, it can feel very lonely for a person who is leaving/has left the “one true Church.” It may also be difficult to understand that there really is a God and that Jesus ought not to be discarded (like the proverbial baby with the bathwater) just because a particular religion has distorted the facts. Jesus really does desire a personal relationship with people, His number-one priority.

Once a month in the Sandy, UT area a group meets with the staff of Mormonism Research Ministry. Our next meeting (with dessert) will be in January 2016.  If you would like to join, please email us (eric at mrm dot org) with the following information:

  1. Who is planning to come? (include your spouse’s name, if he/she is coming)
  2. In a paragraph, give a short synopsis of your story so we can know your background
  3. Your phone number where you can best be reached

We will respond within 24 hours with more information and the address. May God richly bless you!




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