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Journal of Discourses Gems

Compiled by Eric Johnson

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Volume 1

  • Teachings in the Journals contains “purity of doctrine, simplicity of style, and extensive amount of theological truth” (G. D. Watt, Introduction)

 Volume 2

  • Journals are for saints who “love to drink of the streams that flow from the fountain of Eternal Truth” (G.D. Watt, Introduction)

 Volume 3

  • Journals contain “the principles of the Gospel of salvation” (G.D. Watt, Introduction)

 Volume 4

  • Volume 4 of the Journals is “the most important of any yet placed in the hands of the Saints” (G.D. Watt, Introduction)

 Volume 8

  • Journal of Discourses “ranks as one of the standard works of the Church” (G.D. Watt, Introduction)


Salvation only in LDS Church

  • Vol 2: Christ’s church is found in the Latter-day Saints (Brigham Young, Feb. 18, 1855, p. 179)
  • Vol 12: Salvation only found in LDS Church, not in creeds of Christian churches (Brigham Young, March 29, 1868, p. 173)

Great Apostasy

  • Vol 2: Angel told Joseph not to join any religion (Brigham Young, Feb. 18, 1855, p. 171)
  • Vol 12: The angel told Joseph that all the churches were wrong (George A. Smith, Nov. 15, 1868, p. 334)
  • Vol 13: Gates of hell did prevail against Jesus’ church, causing it to cease to exist (Orson Pratt, April 10, 1870, p. 125)
  • Vol 13: “God organized His kingdom, precisely to a day, 1800 years after the crucifixion” (Orson Pratt, April 10, 1870, p. 126)
  • Vol 18: The Great Apostasy commenced at close of first century, waxing worse till now (Orson Pratt, July 11, 1875, p. 44)
  • Vol 18: There was no Christian church for many centuries, apostate churches in abundance (Orson Pratt, March 26, 1876, p. 172)
  • Vol 20: Angel told Joseph Smith the Christian churches were wrong (John Taylor, March 2, 1879, p. 167

Christianity not true

  • Vol 6: Christianity is “a perfect pack of nonsense” (John Taylor, Jan 17, 1858, p. 167)
  • Vol 6: Religions of today are hatched in hell (Brigham Young, Jan. 17, 1858, p. 176)
  • Vol 18: Christian churches called Babylon (Orson Pratt, March 26, 1876, p. 179)

Christians are ignorant

  • Vol 6: Christians are ignorant (George D. Watt, Nov. 1, 1857, p. 25)
  • Vol 7: Christians are shrouded in ignorance, reading scriptures in ignorance (Brigham Young, Oct. 8, 1859, p. 333)
  • Vol 8: Christians are ignorant to true theology (Brigham Young, Oct. 7, 1860, p. 199)
  • Vol 13: Christians are ignorant of who God really is (Brigham Young, July 11, 1869, p. 144)

Christians called names

  • Vol 5: Christians are groveling in darkness (Brigham Young, July 26, 1857, p. 73)
  • Vol 5: Christians are “biggest whoremasters” on the earth (Heber C. Kimball, July 26, 1857, pp. 89-90)
  • Vol 8: Christians are heathens (Brigham Young, Sept. 16, 1860, p. 171)
  • Vol 10: Christians are like a ship without the rudder (Brigham Young, Oct. 6, 1863, p. 265)
  • Vol 10: Christians are not true Christians (Brigham Young, July 8, 1863, p. 230)
  • Vol 13: “What does the Christian world know about God? Nothing” (John Taylor, May 6, 1870, p. 225)
  • Vol 24: Christianity is not a religion that satisfies (George Q. Cannon, July 15, 1883, p. 185)


  • Vol 16: Baptisms done by Christians not believing in modern revelation is worthless (Orson Pratt, Aug. 31, 1873, p. 175)
  • Vol 16: Marriages (and future children) are not valid unless administered by a Mormon (Orson Pratt, Aug. 31, 1873, pp. 175-6)
  • Vol 17: Children born in marriage outside the temple are bastards (Orson Pratt, July 19, 1874, p. 152)
  • Vol 17: Marriage by civil magistrate is illegal and future children are bastards (Orson Pratt, Oct. 7, 1874, p. 227)

And yet…

  • Vol 14: Invite discussion with professing Christians who have good morals (Brigham Young, June 3, 1871, pp. 195-6)
  • Vol 14: Foundation of a religion must be weak if its people are scared to have it examined (George A. Smith, Aug. 13, 1871, p. 216)
  • Vol 20:  “The truth will hurt no man” (John Morgan, Aug. 17, 1879, p. 286)


Bible is true

  • Vol 1: If Book of Mormon is true, so is Bible (Brigham Young, July 11, 1852, p. 38)
  • Vol 1: As far as translated correctly, the Bible is as pure as anything (Brigham Young, July 24, 1853, p. 238)
  • Vol 2: Follow the Bible faithfully, even without other standard works, and you will “arrive at salvation” (Brigham Young, July 24, 1853, p. 244)
  • Vol 3: The Bible is good enough (Brigham Young, Oct. 8, 1855, p. 116)
  • Vol 5: We believe every word of the Bible (Heber C. Kimball, July 26, 1857, p. 91)
  • Vol 9: The Bible comes first, Book of Mormon second, D&C third, and then living oracles (Brigham Young, May 25, 1862, p. 297)
  • Vol 13: Brigham Young had revelations telling him the Bible is true (Brigham Young, July 11, 1869, p. 144)
  • Vol 14: Bible simplest books, as far as translated correctly, and is nothing but truth (Brigham Young, May 21, 1871, pp. 135-136)
  • Vol 14: “The doctrine that we preach is the doctrine of the Bible” (Brigham Young, June 3, 1871, p. 200)
  • Vol 16: “Take up the Bible, compare the religion of the Latter-day Saints, and see if it will stand the test” (Brigham Young, May 18, 1873, p. 46)

   Criticism of the Bible

  • Vol 2: The creation of Adam a “baby” story (Brigham Young, Oct. 23, 1853, p. 6)
  • Vol 2: Bible is only history, not intended to be a guide (Orson Hyde, Oct. 6, 1853, General Conference, p. 75)
  • Vol 8: Joseph Smith said many precious truths of Bible suppressed or wrongly translated  (Brigham Young, October 21, 1860, p. 224)
  • Vol 14: The “English Bible is translated as well as any book could be by uninspired men” (John Taylor, Aug. 22, 1852, p. 25)


  • Vol 2: Seed of Ham/Cain a “servant of servants” (Brigham Young, Feb. 18, 1855, 184)
  • Vol 2: One’s Gentile blood “cleansed” of those who convert (Brigham Young, Aug. 8, 1855, p. 269)
  • Vol 3: Blacks are cursed by the Almighty; it is the order of God (George A. Smith, Sept. 23, 1855, p. 29)
  • Vol 7: Blacks—who are uncouth, uncomely, disagreeable, low in habits, wild, deprived of blessings of intelligence—are not to hold priesthood (Brigham Young, Oct. 9, 1859, pp. 290-1)
  • Vol 10: For whites who marry blacks, death on the spot (Brigham Young, March 8, 1863, p. 110)
  • Vol 11: Black curse to be removed after “all the rest of the children” have received their blessings (Brigham Young, August 19, 1866, p. 271)
  • Vol 14: Can’t change “leopard’s spots” and can’t change black blood (Brigham Young, April 9. 1871, pp. 86-87)
  • Vol 22: Blacks are devil’s representative (John Taylor, Aug. 28, 1881, p. 304 and Vol 23, Oct. 29, 1882, p. 336)

 Blood atonement

  • Vol 3: Brigham Young to plunge a javelin through the heart of an adulterous wife (Brigham Young, March 16, 1856, p. 247)
  • Vol 4: There are sins that must be atoned by one’s own blood being shed (Jedediah M. Grant, Sept. 21, 1856, p. 49-51)
  • Vol 4: There are sins for which Jesus’ blood cannot atone (Brigham Young, Sept. 21, 1856, pp. 53-4)
  • Vol 4: Atoning for sin through blood atonement (Brigham Young, Feb. 8, 1857, pp. 219-220)
  • Vol 6: Judas had blood atonement applied because disciples kicked his bowels out (Heber C. Kimball, Dec. 13, 1857, pp. 125-6)
  • Vol 6: Blood of traitors needs to be shed or they will be damned (Heber C. Kimball, Aug. 16, 1857, p. 375)
  • Vol 6: Covenant breakers need to have their blood shed (Jedidiah M. Grant, Sept. 21, 1856, pp. 49, 50)
  • Vol 6: If you committed sins that cannot be forgiven through baptism, let your blood be shed (Jedidiah M. Grant, Sept. 21, 1856, p. 50)

 Book of Mormon

In the United States

  • Vol 2: Cumorah is in New York (Heber C. Kimball, Aug. 13, 1853, p. 110)
  • Vol 8: The Book of Mormon lands are in the United States (Brigham Young, June 3, 1860, p. 67)
  • Vol 8: Galdianton robber spirits were in Utah (from Book of Mormon) (Brigham Young, Jan 20, 1861, p. 344)
  • Vol 14: Cumorah is in New York (Orson Pratt, Feb. 19, 1871, p. 11)
  • Vol 14: Nephites and Lamanites in North and South America (Orson Pratt, Feb. 11, 1872, pp. 324-5)
  • Vol 14: Cumorah is in New York (Orson Pratt, Feb. 11, 1872, p. 331)
  • Vol 15: Book of Mormon took place on “this continent” (Orson Pratt, Sept. 22, 1872, p. 182)
  • Vol 20: Hundreds of thousands of Nephites fell during the battle of Cumorah in the state of New York (Orson Pratt, Aug. 25, 1878, p. 63)

Book of Mormon

  • Vol 1: “Indians” are “seed of Israel” (Brigham Young, May 8, 1853, p. 106)
  • Vol 2: Angel confirms correct translation of the Book of Mormon (Orson Pratt, Jan. 7, 1855, p. 293)
  • Vol 6: Book of Mormon is divine book that condemns polygamy (Orson Pratt, July 24, 1859, p. 351)
  • Vol 7: Book of Mormon is historical (Orson Pratt, Jan. 3, 1859, p. 33)
  • Vol 7: Witnesses of Book of Mormon doubted and disbelieved they had ever seen an angel (Brigham Young, June 5, 1859, p. 164)
  • Vol 14: Lehi left from city/land of Jerusalem (synonymous) (Orson Pratt, Feb. 11, 1872, p. 325)
  • Vol 14: Book of Mormon peoples populated the Pacific islands (Orson Pratt, Feb. 11, 1872, p. 333)
  • Vol 14: “Poor degraded Lamanites” (American Indians) are sunk beneath humanity (Orson Pratt, Feb. 11, 1872, p. 333)
  • Vol 15: American Indians descendants of Israel (Orson Pratt, Sept. 22, 1872, p. 182)
  • Vol 19: Sword of Laban and wagonloads of plates inside the hill Cumorah (Brigham Young, June 17, 1877, p. 38)
  • Vol 22: Lamanites are the house of Israel (Wilford Woodruff, June 12, 1881, p. 173)

Church authority

  • Vol 5: Abandon your thoughts when leader contradicts them (Wilford Woodruff, April 9, 1857, p. 83)
  • Vol 5: The prophet and seer is the mouthpiece of God (Brigham Young, Sept. 6, 1857, p. 209)
  • Vol 6: Obey your leaders, right or wrong (Heber C. Kimball, Nov. 8, 1857, p. 32)
  • Vol 6: Apostles should not be questioned (Brigham Young, April 7, 1852, p. 320)
  • Vol 11: Obey the leaders, “even to the ribbons the women wear” (Brigham Young, Feb. 3, 1867, p. 298)
  • Vol 12: Brigham Young never gave a word of wrong counsel (Brigham Young, Dec. 29, 1867, p. 127 and Vol. 16, August 31, 1873, p. 161)
  • Vol 13: Brigham Young’s words as good as scripture (Brigham Young, Oct. 6, 1870, p. 264)

God/Adam God and Creation

God of Christians

  • Vol 6: A curse on those who go against the Mormon God (Heber C. Kimball, Nov. 8, 1857, p. 38)
  • Vol 19: Christians have crude notions of God (Erastus Snow, March 3, 1878, p. 268)
  • Vol 23: The God of Christians is false (Chas. W. Penrose, Jan 14, 1883, p. 343)

Nature of God

  • Vol 1: God can attain “greater heights of perfection” (Brigham Young, June 13, 1852, p. 93)
  • Vol 1: God can cease to be God if he abuses his power (Brigham Young, Feb. 27, 1853, p. 117)
  • Vol 1: God was once a child (Orson Hyde, October 6, 1853, General Conference, p. 123)
  • Vol 6: God of Mormonism was not always God (Joseph Smith, April 6, 1844, p. 3)
  • Vol 6: God is increasing in knowledge, power and dominion (Wilford Woodruff, Dec. 6, 1857, p. 120)
  • Vol 6: God is not omnipresent (Brigham Young, July 31, 1859, p. 345)
  • Vol 7: Mankind offspring of parents from another planet (Brigham Young, Oct. 9, 1859, p. 285)
  • Vol 7: God is an exalted man, how many there are is not known (Brigham Young, Oct. 8, 1859, p. 333)
  • Vol 8: God the Father got his knowledge from his Father (Heber C. Kimball, Sept. 2, 1860, p. 211)
  • Vol 10: God has a body (Brigham Young, May 31, 1863, p. 192)
  • Vol 11: God is eternally progressing (Brigham Young, Jan. 13, 1867, p. 286)

Plurality of Gods

  • Vol 2: As many Gods as particles of matter (Orson Pratt, Feb. 18, 1855, p. 345)
  • Vol 7: Gods exists; strive to be one with them (Brigham Young, Sept. 1, 1859, p. 238)
  • Vol 17: Mormons will become gods and frame new worlds (Brigham Young, July 19, 1874, p. 143)

Future of men

  • Vol 10: Man is “the king of Kings, lord of lords in embryo” (Brigham Young, April/May 1863, p. 223)
  • Vol 19: Men to be equal with God (Erastus Snow, March 3, 1878, p. 278)
  • Vol 25: Without bodies, we could not become like God, who passed through a “similar ordeal” (Joseph F. Smith, Feb 17, 1884, p. 58)

Adam God

  • Vol 1: Adam-God doctrine is taught (Brigham Young, April 9, 1852, pp. 50-51)
  • Vol 4: First man sent his son to redeem the world (Heber C. Kimball, June 29, 1856, p. 1)
  • Vol 5: Father Adam is God (Brigham Young, Oct. 7, 1857, p. 332)

Exnihilo creation/Origination of the universe. See William Lane Craig’s article at 

  • Vol 1: Matter is eternal (Brigham Young, Feb. 27, 1853, p. 116)
  • Vol 2: Adam was not made from the dust of this earth (Brigham Young, Oct. 23, 1853, p. 6)
  • Vol 2: The world had people before Adam (Orson Hyde, Oct. 6, 1854, General Conference, p. 79)
  • Vol 3: Adam was not made from dust of this earth (Brigham Young, April 20, 1856, p. 319)
  • Vol 5: God organized the word through preexisting matter (Heber C. Kimball, Sept. 6, 1856, p. 219)
  • Vol 5: The earth has a spirit (Heber C. Kimball, Aug. 23, 1857, p. 172)
  • Vol 6: The earth had parents (Heber C. Kimball, Nov. 8, 1857, p. 36)
  • Vol 7: We can’t understand “first cause” (Brigham Young, Oct. 9, 1859, p. 284)
  • Vol 14: Mormonism does not contradict science; no exnihilo creation (Brigham Young, May 14, 1871, p. 114)
  • Vol 16: God has made multiple worlds throughout eternity, no first world (Orson Pratt, Aug. 31, 1873, p. 179)
  • Vol 16: God did not create exnihilo (out of nothing) (Orson Pratt, Nov. 22, 1873, p. 315)
  • Vol 18: There was no exnihilo creation of the world, as material has been around forever (Brigham Young, Sept. 17, 1876, p. 232)
  • Vol 20: Joseph Smith revealed that matter is eternal (Orson Pratt, Aug. 25, 1878, p. 73)


Mormonism’s political future

  • Vol 1: Mormons will possess the earth (John Taylor, April 8, 1853, General Conference, p. 230)
  • Vol 5: Brigham Young to become president of the U.S. (Heber C. Kimball, Sept. 6, 1856, p. 219) 
  • Vol 7: Mormonism will rule every nation, Smith and Young at the head (Orson Hyde, not dated, p. 53)
  • Vol 7: The nations shall bow to the Mormon kingdom (Heber C. Kimball, Sept. 11, 1859, p. 170)
  • Vol 11: The Mormon kingdom to govern all people, religiously and politically (John Taylor, Jan. 18, 1865, p. 53)
  • Vol 11: Prophet has the right to dictate about anything (Brigham Young, Feb. 3, 1867, p. 298)
  • Vol 11: “Mormonism includes all truth” (Brigham Young, April 8, 1867, p. 375)

U.S. Constitution

  • Vol 2: When “the Constitution of the United States” “hangs upon a single thread, the government will have to call on the Mormons (Brigham Young, Feb. 18, 1855, p. 182)
  • Vol 5: Mormons will save the Constitution (Heber C. Kimball, Sept. 6, 1856, p. 216)
  • Vol 7: The U.S. Constitution will hang upon a thread (Brigham Young, July 4, 1854, p. 15)
  • Vol 12: According to Joseph Smith, U.S. Constitution will be saved by Mormons (Brigham Young, April 8, 1868, p. 204)
  • Vol 21: Leaders of the Mormon Church will hold up the U.S. Constitution when the people have torn it to shreds (John Taylor, Aug. 31, 1879, p. 8)
  • Vol 23: The U.S. Constitution will one day be preserved by the Mormons (George Q. Cannon, Nov. 20, 1881, p. 104)

Anti-U.S. government (many in response to perceived injustice to the Mormons)

  • Vol 2: President Zachary Taylor is in hell (Brigham Young, Feb. 18, 1855, p. 183)
  • Vol 5: The President of the United States is cursed (Heber C. Kimball, July 26, 1857, p. 95)
  • Vol 5: President Zachary Taylor is in hell (Heber C. Kimball, August 2, 1857, p. 132)
  • Vol 5: U.S. President will die an untimely death and God will curse him (Heber C. Kimball, August 2, 1857, p. 133)
  • Vol 5: President Polk in hell with Zachary Taylor (Brigham Young, Sept 13, 1857, p. 232)
  • Vol 5 United States/United Hell: Synonymous (Brigham Young, Oct. 7, 1857, p. 331)
  • Vol 7: Government controlled by ignorance (Brigham Young, June 6, 1858, p. 64)


  • Vol 1: Brigham dreams of cutting throats (Brigham Young, March 27, 1853, p. 83)
  • Vol 5: People who apostasize become “gray-haried, wrinkled, and black just like the Devil” (Brigham Young, Oct. 7, 1957, p. 332)


  • Vol 1: The man who seduces his neighboring wife must die (George A. Smith, October 1851, p. 97)
  • Vol 4: Traitors to have their blood shed or else be damned (Heber C. Kimball, Aug. 16, 1857, p. 375)
  • Vol 5: Praying that God would kill a mob (George A. Smith, Aug. 2, 1857, p. 107)
  • Vol 5: I love my friends and hate my enemies (George A. Smith, Aug. 2, 1857, p. 110)
  • Vol 5: Bad husbands to be made eunuchs (Heber C. Kimball, July 12, 1857, p. 29)
  • Vol 6: Wanting bloodshed is of the devil (Joseph Smith, April 6, 1844, p. 9)
  • Vol 6: Be ready to shed blood as to eat an apple (Heber C. Kimball, Nov. 8, 1857, p. 34)
  • Vol 7: Evil people ought to be wiped out (Heber C. Kimball, July 16, 1854, p. 19)


Birth/Virgin Birth 

  • Vol 1: Jesus was not begotten by the Holy Ghost (Brigham Young, April 9, 1852, p. 50)
  • Vol 1: Adam is Jesus’ father (Brigham Young, April 9, 1852, pp. 50-51)
  • Vol 4: The Father partook in the Virgin Birth rather than let another man do it (Brigham Young, Feb. 8, 1857, p. 218)
  • Vol 8: Birth of Jesus is the result of natural action (Brigham Young, July 8, 1860, p. 115)
  • Vol 8: God the Father created Jesus/ “nothing unnatural about it” (Heber C. Kimball, Sept. 2, 1860, p. 211)
  • Vol 13: Jesus born on April 11 and died on April 6 (Orson Pratt, April 10, 1870, p. 127)


  • Vol 2: Mary was married to Jesus (Orson Hyde, Oct. 6, 1854, General Conference, p. 81)
  • Vol 2: Jesus married at Cana and begat children (Orson Hyde, Oct. 6, 1854, General Conference, p. 82,  and March 18, 1855, p. 210)
  • Vol 4: Jesus married at Cana (Orson Hyde, u.d., p. 259)
  • Vol 13: Jesus had wives and children (Brigham Young, Nov. 13, 1870, p. 309)


  • Vol 6: Jesus will save all except the sons of perdition (Joseph Smith, April 6, 1844, p. 8)
  • Vol 6: Jesus had a fallen nature (Brigham Young, Nov. 29, 1857, p. 95)
  • Vol 19: Jesus didn’t finish his work, either during his life or after resurrection (Joseph F. Smith, April 11, 1878, p. 264)

Joseph Smith 


  • Vol 1: God spoke through Joseph Smith (Brigham Young, June 13, 1852, p. 94)
  • Vol 2: Joseph was a dictator—do what he says (Heber C. Kimball, Aug. 13, 1853, p. 106)
  • Vol 2: Like Joseph Smith, Brigham Young’s “word is sacred” (Heber C. Kimball, Aug. 13, 1853, p. 107)
  • Vol 3: Brigham an apostle of Joseph (Brigham Young, Feb. 17, 1856, p. 212)
  • Vol 4: Jesus my governor, Joseph Smith is my head (Brigham Young, Aug. 31, 1856, p. 41)
  • Vol 4: Pass sentinel Joseph Smith and you go into the celestial kingdom (March 8, 1857, p. 271)
  • Vol 4: If Joseph Smith had led the people astray, they deserved it (Brigham Young, March 29, 1857, p. 297)
  • Vol 4: If you don’t believe Joseph Smith was a prophet, then be damned (Brigham Young, March 29, 1857, p. 298)
  • Vol 6: Joseph Smith never thought “any evil” (Joseph Smith, April 6, 1844, p. 11)
  • Vol 6: Believe in Jesus, Joseph, and Brigham in order to be saved (takeoff from Rom. 10:9-10) (Joseph Young, July 26, 1857, p. 229)
  • Vol 7: Give heed to words of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (Orson Pratt, Jan. 29, 1860, p. 375)
  • Vol 8: Those who deny Joseph Smith “is of AntiChrist” (Brigham Young, Sept. 9, 1860, p. 176)
  • Vol 8: Joseph Smith not a savior, though he was a God (and will continue to be) (Brigham Young, Feb. 10, 1861, p. 321)
  • Vol 9: Anyone rejecting Jesus and Joseph Smith are antichrists (Brigham Young, July 13, 1862, p. 312)
  • Vol 21: Joseph Smith either all correct or a fraud (John Taylor, Dec. 7, 1879, p. 165)

Future with Joseph Smith

  • Vol 4: Pass the Sentinel Joseph Smith and you go into the celestial kingdom (Brigham Young, March 8, 1857, p. 271)
  • Vol 5: One day everyone will look to Joseph Smith “as a God” (Heber C. Kimball, July 26, 1857, p. 88)
  • Vol 7: You must have the certificate of Joseph Smith to get to heaven (Brigham Young, Oct. 9, 1859, p. 289)
  • Vol 8: Nobody can enter heaven without approval of Joseph Smith (Brigham Young, October 21, 1860, p. 224)

Other quotes about Joseph Smith

  • Vol 6: God did not appear to Joseph Smith (Heber C. Kimball, Nov. 8, 1857, p. 29)
  • Vol 9: The Devil believed Joseph Smith was a true prophet (Brigham Young, Aug. 3, 1862, p. 33)
  • Vol 14: Joseph’s character compared to Jesus (Brigham Young, Aug. 13, 1871, p. 203
  • Vol 17: Joseph Smith will have to go to hell to claim Emma Smith (Brigham Young, Aug. 9, 1874, p. 159)
  • Vol 24: Joseph Smith related to the patriarch Joseph (John Taylor, June 24, 1883, p. 264)


  • Vol 1: Indians are the seed of Israel through the loins of Joseph (Brigham Young, May 8, 1853, p. 106)
  • Vol 2: Lamanites to turn “white and delightsome” (Brigham Young, Dec. 3, 1854, p. 143)
  • Vol 3: “Indians” to become “white and delightsome people” (George A. Smith, April 6, 1856, p. 287)
  • Vol 13: Lamanites are the aborigines of the United States (Brigham Young, Oct. 6, 1870, p. 262)
  • Vol 14: “Poor degraded Lamanites, or American Indians,” will arise and build upon the face of this land a magnificent city called Jerusalem” (Orson Pratt, Feb. 11, 1872, p. 333)
  • Vol 20: American Indians descendants of Joseph (Orson Pratt, March 9, 1879, p. 146)



  • Vol 9: Polygamy practiced because “the Lord introduced it to his servants in a revelation given to Joseph Smith” (Brigham Young, July 6, 1862, p. 322)
  • Vol 11: Polygamy “existed from the beginning” and revealed to Young by Joseph Smith (Brigham Young, June 18, 1865, p. 128)
  • Vol 16: Joseph Smith “received” the revelation on plural marriage in July 1843 (Brigham Young, Aug. 31, 1873, p. 166)
  • Vol 20: Polygamy doctrine given as early as 1832 (Joseph F. Smith, July 7, 1878, p. 29)
  • Vol 21: Polygamy not written down until 1843 but had been given to Joseph Smith many years earlier (Joseph F. Smith, Dec. 7, 1879, p. 9)
  • Vol 24: Polygamy is an “eternal law” (John Taylor, not dated., p. 229)
  • Vol 26: According to Joseph Smith, Adam had two wives—Eve and Lilith (H. W. Naisbitt, March 6, 1885, p. 115)


  • Vol 1: Jesus had host of wives, including Elizabeth and Mary, and his persecution and crucifixion “evidently based upon polygamy” (Jedediah M. Grant, Aug. 7, 1853, pp. 345-6)
  • Vol 2: Jesus was the bridegroom in John chapter 2 (wedding in Cana) (Orson Hyde, Oct. 6, 1854, General Conference, p. 82)
  • Vol 2: Mary, Martha, several others were Jesus’ wives and Jesus had children before His crucifixion (Orson Hyde, Oct. 6, 1854, General Conference, p. 82)
  • Vol 2: Mary, Martha, Mary were Jesus’ wives and they had children (Orson Hyde, March 18, 1855, p. 210)

Joseph Smith

  • Vol 2: If Joseph wants your wife, give her to him (Jedediah M. Grant, Feb. 19, 1854, p. 13-14)

Brigham Young

  • Vol 8: Brigham Young to have millions of wives (Brigham Young, Sept. 9, 1860, p. 178)
  • Vol 8: Brigham Young should have more wives (Brigham Young, Oct. 21, 1860, p. 222)

Necessary for exaltation

  • Vol 3: Deny polygamy and be damned (Brigham Young, July 14, 1855, p. 266)
  • Vol 11: Must enter into polygamy to become a son of God (Brigham Young, August 19, 1866, p. 269)
  • Vol 12: Given power to “continue” to be sons of God—quoting John 1:12 (Brigham Young, Nov. 17, 1867, p. 100)
  • Vol 16: A man who only wants one wife in this life will have none in the celestial; a woman who fights against polygamy will have no husband in the celestial (Brigham Young, Aug. 31, 1873, p. 166)
  • Vol 17: An absurd idea not to believe in polygamy and those not believing in it are in darkness and worthy of damnation; if not true, then other revelations given by Joseph Smith not worth a “fig” (Orson Pratt, Oct. 7, 1874, pp. 224-5)
  • Vol 20: Those who have the ability to practice polygamy and do not “shall be damned” (Joseph F. Smith, July 7, 1878, p. 31)
  • Vol 21: Without polygamy, “one of the most important doctrines ever revealed to man,” there is no exaltation (Joseph F. Smith, Dec. 7, 1879, p. 10)
  • Vol 21: If polygamy is false, so is celestial marriage and your faith (Orson Pratt, July 18, 1880, p. 296)
  • Vol 23: If polygamy was not obeyed, it would have resulted in damnation (George Q. Cannon, Oct. 8, 1882, p. 278)
  • Vol 24: Can’t reject polygamy and allowed to enter God’s glory (John Taylor, n.d., p. 230)
  • Vol 25: A woman needs a worthy man to get to celestial kingdom (George Q. Cannon, Nov. 16, 1884, p. 368)

Warnings again denying polygamy

  • Vol 3: If you oppose polygamy, you commit “apostasy” (Heber C. Kimball, Oct. 8, 1855, p. 125)
  • Vol 4: Joseph Smith to supply wives in heaven to faithful men whose wives left them on earth (Heber C. Kimball, Feb. 1, 1857, p. 209)
  • Vol 5: Deny the plurality of wives and you deny Mormonism (Heber C. Kimball, Oct. 12, 1856, p. 203)
  • Vol 11: Go against polygamy and you will be damned (Heber C. Kimball, April 4, 1866, p. 211)
  • Vol 11: Give up polygamy and the devil will rejoice (Brigham Young, June 3, 1866, p. 239)
  • Vol 13: Do away with polygamy, might as well do away with prophets, apostles, and revelations (Wilford Woodruff, Dec. 12, 1869, p. 166)

Miscellaneous Attitudes

  • Vol 2: Mormons to have all the women (Orson Hyde, Oct. 6, 1854, General Conference, p. 83)
  • Vol 3: Don’t love your wives so much that you couldn’t leave them at a “moment’s notice” (Brigham Young, June 15, 1856, p. 360)
  • Vol 9: Doesn’t matter if husband loves his wife (Brigham Young, April 7, 1861, p. 37)
  • Vol 9: Polygamous wives probably desire other wives to leave (Brigham Young, Feb. 9, 1862, p. 195)
  • Vol 9: Monogamy esteemed by modern Christians is a system set “by a set of robbers” (Brigham Young, July 6, 1862, p. 322)
  • Vol 12: Doctrine of polygamy “perplexes and annoys” many women (Brigham Young, Nov. 29, 1868, p. 312)
  • Vol 20: If polygamy is meant to be, the entire LDS people would have to be annihilated to eliminate it (George Q. Cannon, July 20, 1879, p. 276)


  • Vol 5: Prophecy of returning to Jackson County (Heber C. Kimball, August 2, 1857, and August 30, 1857, p. 134, 164)
  • Vol 9: Generation will not pass until the temple is built (George A. Smith, March 10, 1861, p. 71)
  • Vol 10: Civil War will not end until the earth is drenched with blood (Wilford Woodruff, July 27, 1862, p. 15)
  • Vol 10: Reference to temple prophecy of 1832 (George Q. Cannon, Oct. 23, 1864, p. 344)
  • Vol 13: Prophecy of returning to Zion in Missouri will happen with generation from 1832 (Orson Pratt, May 5, 1870, p. 362)
  • Vol 14: Prophecy of temple built in Missouri still will come to pass (Orson Pratt, April 9, 1871, p. 275)
  • Vol 17: Time near to fulfill prophecy to return to Missouri (Orson Pratt, June 14, 1874, p. 111)
  • Vol 18: Many living in 1875 will be alive when Jesus returns at Second Coming (Wilford Woodruff, June 24, 1875, p. 37)


  • Vol 1: No forgiveness for spousal abuse (Brigham Young, Feb. 27, 1853, p. 119)
  • Vol 1: Many Mormons and non-Mormons will be damned unless they repent (Brigham Young, Dec. 5, 1853, p. 339)
  • Vol 1: Following the Bible alone leads to salvation (Brigham Young, July 24, 1853, p. 244)
  • Vol 2: Humans are cleansed by good works (Brigham Young, Oct. 23, 1853, p. 4)
  • Vol 2: Token is necessary to get past angelic sentinels (Brigham Young, April 6, 1853, p. 31)
  • Vol 2: To be perfect is to be as perfect as the Father (Brigham Young, Dec. 18, 1853, pp. 129-30)
  • Vol 3: We are created to become Gods (Brigham Young, Aug. 8, 1852, p. 93)
  • Vol 3: It takes just as much effort to be damned as to be exalted (Brigham Young, Aug. 8, 1852, p. 93)
  • Vol 6: Mormons are saviors of the world (John Taylor, Jan 17, 1858, p. 163)
  • Vol 7: Called to be “saviors” (Orson Hyde, not dated, p. 53)
  • Vol 8: Death-bed confessions are condemned (Brigham Young, May 20, 1860, p. 61)
  • Vol 8: A good Latter-day Saint will control every passion and appetite (Brigham Young, Sept. 2, 1860, p. 160)
  • Vol 8: Every commandment is essential (Brigham Young, Jan. 20, 1861, p. 339)
  • Vol 9: Man is basically good (Brigham Young, June 15, 1862, p. 305)
  • Vol 11: Saints need to follow celestial law and obey leaders (Heber C. Kimball, Oct. 6, 1865, p. 146)
  • Vol 11: All will be damned but Mormons (Brigham Young, August 19, 1866, p. 271)
  • Vol 12: When a revelation is given and not obeyed, there will be consequences (Brigham Young, Dec. 29, 1867, p. 127)
  • Vol 13: Atonement covers only the original sin, not individual sins (Brigham Young, July 11, 1869, p. 143)
  • Vol 14: No kingdom for those who reject gospel (Brigham Young, May 21, 1871, p. 133)
  • Vol 14: Celestial law must be followed now (Brigham Young, May 21, 1871, p. 135; Brigham Young, June 26, 1871, p. 151)
  • Vol 15: Repentance is a complete forsaking of sin (George Q. Cannon, July 14, 1872, p. 113)
  • Vol 15: Can’t be exalted without submitting to celestial law (Brigham Young, Oct. 9, 1872, p. 220)
  • Vol 17: If children want to spend eternity with parents, they must obey celestial law (Orson Pratt, July 19, 1874, pp. 152-3)
  • Vol 17: Be perfect here (Matthew 5:48) (George Q. Cannon, Oct. 8, 1874, p. 231)
  • Vol 18: For those keeping celestial law, they will become Gods, inherit thrones, and increase will have no end (Wilford Woodruff, June 27, 1875, p. 39)
  • Vol 18: If you’ve been “pretty good,” you might become an angel but not with privilege of eternal increase (Orson Pratt, July 11, 1875, p. 50)
  • Vol 18: Important to build temples to redeem both living and dead (Wilford Woodruff, April 6, 1876, General Conference, p. 190)
  • Vol 19: We must save ourselves and the dead (Joseph F. Smith, April 11, 1878, p. 264)
  • Vol 22: Obey celestial law in order to have wives and children in next life (Wilford Woodruff, April 3, 1881, p. 148)
  • Vol 22: Not all doctrine is found in the Standard Works (Chas. W. Penrose, July 17, 1881, p. 162)
  • Vol 22: Celestial law to be obeyed for the celestial kingdom (Chas. W. Penrose, July 17, 1881, p. 163)
  • Vol 23: Getting into celestial kingdom’s exaltation only by passing by Joseph Smith and the leaders of the church (George Q. Cannon, Oct. 29, 1882, p. 361)
  • Vol 26: Celestial law is “absolute submission and obedience to the law of God” (John Taylor, Feb. 20, 1884, p. 350) 

  Word of Wisdom 

  • Vol 2: Virtuous saints will not sell whiskey (Heber C. Kimball, Nov. 26, 1854, p. 161)
  • Vol 2: Smith entertained with tea and coffee (Orson Pratt, Feb. 18, 1855, p. 214)
  • Vol 8: Many Mormons chew tobacco—if you do it, do it privately (Brigham Young, March 10, 1860, p. 361)
  • Vol 9: Mormons use a great quantity of tobacco (Brigham Young, April 7, 1861, p. 35)
  • Vol 9: Brigham Young recommends raising tobacco (Brigham Young, April 7, 1861, p. 35)
  • Vol 10: Brigham Young had an alcohol still, though he claimed he shut it down when the army came (Brigham Young, June 7, 1863, p. 206)
  • Vol 11: Raise your own tobacco or quit using it because $100k was spent on it a year from 1849-1854—but even more spent now (Brigham Young, Oct. 9, 1865, p. 140)
  • Vol 11: Very few Saints kept the Word of Wisdom; if they had, it would save a million dollars per year (Wilford Woodruff, April 7, 1867, p. 370)
  • Vol 12: Most bishops break the Word of Wisdom (Brigham Young, April 7, 1867, p. 27)
  • Vol 12: A little cup of tea or some wine is good to revive the weary (Brigham Young, April 7, 1867, p. 28)
  • Vol 12: Hot drinks are not good (George Q. Cannon, April 7, 1868, p. 221)
  • Vol 12: Hot drinks include soup (George Q. Cannon, April 7, 1868, p. 223)
  • Vol 13: Mormons reprimanded for chewing and spitting tobacco on the Tabernacle floor—if you have to chew, don’t do it here (Brigham Young, May 5, 1870, pp. 343-344)
  • Vol 16: Great business in tobacco, tea, coffee (George A. Smith, Oct. 7, 1873, p. 238)

Other Unique teachings

Brigham Young:

  • Vol 1: Brigham Young not given to prophecy (Brigham Young, April 6, 1853, General Conference, pp. 132-3)
  • Vol 1: Progression can be forward or backward (Brigham Young, July 10, 1853, p. 349)
  • Vol 1: Brigham Young and the Mormons “live above the law” (Brigham Young, August 1, 1852, p. 361)
  • Vol 2: Anti-semitic statements made by Brigham Young (Brigham Young, Dec. 3, 1854, pp. 142-3)
  • Vol 2: Jews to be damned (Brigham Young, Dec. 3, 1854, p. 143)
  • Vol 3: Put a javelin through an adulterous wife (Brigham Young, March 16, 1856, p. 247)
  • Vol 3: Send troublemakers on missions (Brigham Young, Feb. 24, 1856, pp. 239-41)
  • Vol 4: In 26 years, the elders will be thought of as kings (Brigham Young, Aug. 31, 1856, p. 40)
  • Vol 4: Must bring spirit children into LDS families (Brigham Young, Sept. 21, 1856, p. 56)
  • Vol 5: Brigham Young can find more girls than any of the young men (Brigham Young, Sept. 6, 1857, p. 210)
  • Vol 5: Apostates will turn black and wrinkled (Brigham Young, Oct. 7, 1857, p. 332)
  • Vol 7: Sending troublemakers on missions (Brigham Young, April 7, 1860, pp. 228-9)
  • Vol 7: Mankind is offspring from another planet (Brigham Young, Oct. 9, 1859, p. 285)
  • Vol 8: Adam lived in America (Brigham Young, June 3, 1860, p. 67)
  • Vol 8: Garden of Eden was in America (Brigham Young, Oct. 7, 1860, p. 195)
  • Vol 8: Noah built the ark in America (Brigham Young, Oct. 7, 1860, p. 195)
  • Vol 8: Scores of evil spirits attempt to lead astray anyone wanting to join Mormonism (Brigham Young, Jan. 20, 1861, p. 344)
  • Vol 9: Angels are former humans (Brigham Young, Jan. 5, 1860, p. 102)
  • Vol 10: Brigham Young quotes from the temple endowment ceremony (Brigham Young, April/May 1863, p. 231)
  • Vol 12: Brigham Young never gave a wrong word of counsel (Brigham Young, Dec. 29, 1867, p. 127)
  • Vol 13: Brigham Young’s sermons can be called scripture (Brigham Young, Jan. 2, 1870, p. 95; Brigham Young, Oct. 6, 1870, p. 264)
  • Vol 13: Moon and sun are inhabited (Brigham Young, July 24, 1870, p. 271)
  • Vol 14: Every world has its tempter and savior, just like ours (Brigham Young, June 10, 1870, pp. 71-72)
  • Vol 16: Brigham Young never gave counsel that was wrong (Brigham Young, Aug. 31, 1873, p. 161)

Other leaders

  • Vol 1: Mormonism changeth not (Jedediah M. Grant, Aug. 7, 1853, p. 347)
  • Vol 5: The Devil is afraid of weapons (Heber C. Kimball, August 30, 1857,p. 164)
  • Vol 5: The Holy Ghost is a man (Heber C. Kimball, Aug. 23, 1857, p. 179)
  • Vol 5: Husband will raise his wife and be her lord (Erastus Snow, Oct. 4, 1857, p. 291)
  • Vol 6: Children who die remain children in the next life (Joseph Smith, April 6, 1844, p. 10)
  • Vol 6: The apostles killed Judas (Heber C. Kimball, Dec. 13, 1857, pp. 125-6)
  • Vol 10: Garden of Eden in Missouri (Heber C. Kimball, June 27, 1863, p. 235)
  • Vol 11: Young man too weak to preach cut off from the church (George A. Smith, Nov. 15, 1864, p. 8)
  • Vol 11: Garden of Eden in Missouri (George Q. Cannon, March 3, 1867, p. 337)
  • Vol 12: Adam and Noah were in America (Orson Pratt, Dec. 27, 1868, pp. 338-339)
  • Vol 12: Elephants, cureloms (mammoths) and other animals brought to America by the Jaredites (Orson Pratt, Dec. 27, 1868, p. 340)
  • Vol 12: New York City “will in a few years become a mass of ruins” (Orson Pratt, Dec. 27, 1868, p. 344)
  • Vol 19: The spirits of the dead were after Wilford Woodruff (Wilford Woodruff, Sept. 16, 1877, p. 229)
  • Vol 20: John Taylor wants nothing secret nor underhanded (John Taylor, March 2, 1879, p. 264)
  • Vol 24: There were more men than women in Utah (George Q. Cannon, June 25, 1882, p. 46)




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