The Jehovah’s Witnesses make the claim that Jesus was not God. After all, they ask, why would Jesus call the Father “God” if there is only one God? The answer can be found in the doctrine of the Trinity, which teaches that Jesus—being fully God—became a man (John 1:1,14; Phil 2:6). When Jesus came to this earth, He humbled Himself to take on a human body. As a man, He submitted Himself to the Father while on this earth. Then notice Mary’s words in verse 18: “I have seen the Lord.” In the Jehovah’s Witness Bible called the New World Translation, whenever the word “Lord” is used to refer to the Father, it is normally translated as “Jehovah.” This is not the case here or in a number of other passages where Jesus is called “Lord.” Is it possible that the Jehovah’s Witness translators were originally biased against the Trinity?
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