The following quotes come from the book Gospel Standards, quotes from seventh president Heber J. Grant that were compiled by Dr. G. Homer Durham under the direction of apostles John A. Widtsoe and Richard L. Evans. This was originally published in 1941, and this edition by the Improvement Era was 1969. This edition was an employee gift by the First Presidency in 1994. To visit the site with all of the books and quotes from these, go here.
Book of Mormon
“The wonderful record of the ancient people of this continent, the Book of Mormon, was brought forth from its hiding place in the Hill Cumorah, containing a fullness of the gospel as taught by the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, upon this continent of America” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 17).
“If we keep the commandments of God, He will love us, and the Savior will manifest Himself unto us. If we fail to keep the commandments of God, there is no promise made to us . . . It is the keeping of the commandments of God that causes men to grow and to become strong and powerful in the Church and Kingdom of God.—CR, October, 1900:36” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, pp. 36-37).
“Inasmuch as the Church to which you and I belong is the Church of Jesus Christ, established by the Savior Himself through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith, I do not think we need to worry about being admitted into the various Christian denominations. The one thing that you and I need to worry about, and the only thing, is with regard to keeping the commandments of the Lord, living our religion as Latter-day Saints.—CR, October, 1931:4-5” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 98).
“HOW TO ACHIEVE PROSPERITY. I wish to bear my testimony to the Latter-day Saints that all of us who will obey the commandments of God will be prospered in the land . . . if the people will pay their tithes and offerings, they will not only be blessed in their material affairs, but they will be abundantly blessed with increased outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 106).
“We are told that faith without works is dead; that as the body without the spirit is dead, so also is faith without works dead, and I am sorry to say that there are many professed Latter-day Saints who are spiritually dead” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 45).
First Vision
“Either Joseph Smith did see God and did converse with Him, and God Himself did introduce Jesus Christ to the boy Joseph Smith, and Jesus Christ did tell Joseph Smith that he would be the instrument in the hands of God establishing again upon the earth the true gospel of Jesus Christ—or Mormonism, so-called, is a myth. And Mormonism is not a myth! It is the power of God unto salvation. It is the Church of Jesus Christ, established under His direction, and all the disbelief of the world cannot change the fundamental facts connected with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 3. Italics his.).
“If Joseph Smith did not have that interview with God and Jesus Christ, the whole Mormon fabric is a failure and a fraud. It is not worth anything on earth” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 15).
“These duties and obligations are calculated to make us Godlike in our disposition. They are calculated to make Gods of us, and to fit and qualify us that we may become joint heirs with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.—JH, October 4, 1895:7; DN, November 30, 1895” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 38).
“Time and time again my heart has been melted, my eyes have wept tears of gratitude for the knowledge that He lives and that this gospel called Mormonism is in very deed the plan of life and salvation, that it is the only true gospel upon the face of the earth, that it is in very deed the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, pp. 197-198. Given in General Conference, October, 1918).
“The important thing for you is to have a love of your work and to do your work under the inspiration of the Spirit of the living God. That is the whole difference between the Church of Jesus Christ and the people of the world. They have the letter of the gospel; they are teaching the Bible just as diligently and many of them believe in it as strongly and try to live up to its precepts just as well as we do; but the Spirit of the living God they do not have. Why? Because they haven’t the power of the Priesthood, and because they have not accepted the gospel as we have.—Era, 42:135” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 256).
“’WE THANK THEE, O GOD, FOR A PROPHET.’ I have traveled six solid weeks at a time in different settlements and heard ‘We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet’ sung in everyone one of them. And I have thought time and time again that there were any number of Latter-day Saints who ought to put a postscript on it and say, ‘We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us in these latter days provided he guides us in the way we want to be guided.’—Era, 44:255” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 172).
“I believe if I were to call for those people here today who have been taught and believe all the revelations contained in the book of Doctrine and Covenants to be the inspired words of God, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, nearly all who are in this congregation would raise their hands and say they knew these things to be true. But if I were to call for all those who had been absolutely honest with God in keeping His commandments, I am afraid a majority of the congregation would not raise their hands. If I were to ask for those who observed the Word of Wisdom, and who did not spend a part of their means for tobacco and liquor, and who paid an honest tithing to the Lord, one-half of those here today would, I am afraid, fail to lift up their hands. A great majority would answer that they had received their endowments in the temple of God, that they had entered into covenants with the Lord. They know the covenants they have made with our Heavenly Father, and how many are there who carry out these covenants that they have entered into? . . . I feel that there is plenty of room for improvement, and we should improve.—CR, April 1898:15” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, pp. 35-36).
“The most prosperous men all over this country, wherever the Latter-day Saints are scattered, are those who have paid an honest tithing and who have been the most liberal in donating for temples—so it will always be.—JH, October 4, 1895:7” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 183).
Word of Wisdom
“THE ROAD TO APOSTASY. I have seen men in high places start in by drinking tea and coffee, saying, ‘That doesn’t amount to anything,’ then next using liquor, then next finding fault with the authorities of the Church, and the first think I knew they left the Church. But I have never known a person, man or woman, who attended his meetings, and partook of the spirit and inspiration that are present in the meetings of true, faithful Latter-day Saints, who has ever apostasized.—CS, April 10, 1937:1” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 42).
“ON ‘TEAS.’ I want to announce that I shall be glad if we will quit giving notices to the papers of what is termed ‘teas’ that are being held in our homes. I read of a ‘tea’ being given in the home of President Hebert J. Grant, and of the ‘tea’ table’s being decorated. There is no tea table in the home of President Heber J. Grant. I would like us to change that name in our newspapers, at least so far as Latter-day Saints are concerned, and have it a ‘social gathering,’ or a lunch, or anything you have a mind to call it, and quit calling it a ‘tea’ when every Latter-day Saint is asked by the Lord to leave tea, coffee, and tobacco alone.—CR, April, 1926:8” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 43).
“Many a professed Latter-day Saint in hard times has lost the home that sheltered his wife and his children, who, if he had observed the Word of Wisdom, would have been able to save it. The violation of the Word of Wisdom has meant the difference between failure and success. By observing the Word of Wisdom, sufficient money to pay the interest on the mortgage would have been forthcoming, with additional help to take care of his family and farm.—Era, 44:73” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 51).
“LIQUOR AND VIRTUE. Let me say to you Latter-day Saints that any man or woman professing to be a Latter-day Saint who keeps liquor in his or her home is not living the gospel of Jesus Christ. We know that there are girls—good, fine, true, virtuous girls—who have lost their virtue because of liquor in the homes of Latter-day Saints. They lose their senses, become drunk, stupid, and then they lose their virtue; and I know what I am talking about.—CR, April, 1937:12” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, pp. 54-55).
“I believe as firmly as I believe that I am standing here before you today that, on three separate and distinct occasions in my life I would have lost my life had I not been an observer of the Word of Wisdom. But on account of the pure blood I had in my veins and the promise of God and the keeping of the commandments of God, my life has been spared.—CR, October, 1937:15” (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 249).