By Eric Johnson
The main topic on is dealing with the topic of Mormonism from a biblical point of view. It may sound to some that we are “anti”Mormons and hate them. This is not the case. We just don’t believe Mormonism is true, which is why we do our best to present the evidence to support our position. At the same time, our goal is not to get someone to leave Mormonism and then head toward atheism or agnosticism. There really is a Jesus who loves His people very much! He desires a relationship, which is why Jesus came to this earth and became a man so He could die for our sins. What are some reasons to consider becoming a Christian? Would you consider the following 10 reasons?
- What is truth? That question ought to be determined by every human being. This life is too short to just assume in a particular religion or philosophy. Something has to be true (even if it’s atheism). Do the research on other beliefs to see if your current system passes the Truth test.
- The evidence supports the idea that there is a God. As two authors put it in their book title, “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist.” For simpler reasons on the existence of God, go to For more advanced reasoning, check out Reasonable Faith with William Lane Craig.
- The Bible is trustworthy. Check out the articles on
- The life of the historical Jesus is unlike any other. Just accepting any old Jesus will not do (see Gal. 1:8-9; 2 Cor. 11:4). And the resurrection of Jesus was a historical event (what happened to the body?)
- We are sinners and cannot attain God’s holy status on our own…in other words, we need a Savior
- Every religion out there asks, “What can we do for God?” Yet, as we show on our website about Mormonism, achieving this is an impossible task. We must change our mindset and instead ask, “What did God do for me (first)?” There is quite a difference in these questions. When we understand that we “work out (not for) our salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12) through our understanding of what Jesus did for us, it makes the onus on our backs disappear. Good works (living a sanctified life) are important after a person has been justified by faith and only by God’s grace.
- There is no forgiveness available outside of a genuine relationship with the God of the Bible. As 1 John 1:9 puts it, when we confess our sins, God forgives all of them–past, present, and future.
- As the slogan puts it, “No Jesus. No peace. Know Jesus. Know peace.” The Christian can have a “peace that passes all understanding,” as Phil. 4:7 puts it. There is no greater feeling in the world than having a personal relationship with Jesus.
- While I would never recommend believing merely as offering a “safe bet,” Pascal’s Wager says there is a lot to lose if you are wrong about a faulty belief system. No amount of sincerity can make something false into something true.
- Finally, having salvation is as simple as Romans 10:9-10 puts it:
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
First John 5:13 says it is possible to “know that you have eternal life.” When you have faith, it’s truly a done deal!
Would you like to experience the “peace that passes all understanding”? A simple prayer to Jesus, telling Him that you are a sinner and how you repent of your sins while believing in Him (not your own works) for your salvation, can confirm what has taken place in your heart. It’s not the prayer that saves you but what Jesus has done for you and your faith in Him that will let you know you are His!
If you have questions about this or if you have decided to take this step, please write us at and let us know. We are here to help.
For more “10 Reasons” click here.